早上去看tortoisesvn的時候,發現已經釋出新版,看了一下新版的發行公告,發現新版的tortoisesvn已經解決討厭的 asp.net 問題了.
The “_svn” hack is now officially supported: since some versions of ASP.NET don’t allow directories beginning with dot (e.g., “.svn”, the standard Subversion working copy administrative directory), TortoiseSVN now treats the environment variable SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK specially. If this variable is set (to any value), it will use “_svn” instead of “.svn”. Note that once the environment variable is set, working copies with standard “.svn” directories will stop working, and will need to be re-checked-out to get “_svn” instead.
簡單的說,只要設置環境變數:SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK 就行了.
不知道 subversion 是不是也是一樣的設置方法.