
備份Active Directory上所有 user 的分機與 e-mail…
把下面的 code 存成 export.vbs以後,點擊兩下就可以執行了。

'Global variables
Dim oContainer
Dim OutPutFile
Dim FileSystem
'Initialize global variables
Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("msi.csv", True)
Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://DC=test,DC=com")
'Enumerate Container
EnumerateUsers oContainer
'Clean up
Set FileSystem = Nothing
Set oContainer = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Finished"
Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
On Error resume next
Dim oUser
For Each oUser In oCont
Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)
Case "user"
'If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
'	OutPutFile.WriteLine "dn: " & oUser.distinguishedName
'End If
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.name) Then
OutPutFile.Write oUser.Get("name")
End If
OutPutFile.Write ","
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.FullName) Then
OutPutFile.Write oUser.FullName
End If
OutPutFile.Write ","
' EmailAddress
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.EmailAddress) Then
OutPutFile.Write oUser.EmailAddress
End If
OutPutFile.Write ","
If Not IsEmpty(oUser.TelephoneNumber) Then
OutputFile.Write oUser.Get("TelephoneNumber")
End If
Case "organizationalunit" , "container"
EnumerateUsers oUser
End Select
End Sub




Subject: first time request all RD clleague and hope it is last time request manage yourself
Hi, all RD colleague:
From HR collect many months and report in company management meeting information, that total company employee in Taiwan, we have more than 3% colleague later come to office until 9:30~11:30, and have more and more colleague join this 3% group and become a normal case even fresh employee, it is far away than our normal working time 8:30, as it is already have flexible 30 minutes for all colleague due to consider traffics issue, but unfortunately still have so many people violate this rule, it already impact our company total competition in the team work spirit strength, it is can’t allowable in this trend, as M RD working style is request for self responsibility and management by yourself, but it is not mean you can do anything and don’t keep any rule, the basic discipline is still need be kept as IT industry is highly competition and team work, and as this rule is request all manager so many times, but seems no good result, “物必自腐而後虫腐之,人必自恥而後人辱之”, as your manager 不好意思要求你,hope you can 約束自己and don’t let your manager be claim by me as this request, and hope you don’t become first employee be claimed from me. As I hope and insist still keep don’t 打卡上班 and 自我約束的傳統 rule in M, it needs your good self manage, I will ask HR consistence to monitor this rule, except your did job very smoothly, and can achieve the target that time to marketing performance request, you can break this rule and on time come or even early leave office, I will invite you and your manager come to my office in PM8:00 or later to tea time and understand your job loading and performance if you are the lucking man, hope you don’t become the luck man and see me along for this issue, of course, I am welcome you visit my office except this issue.


2006/10/21 住院,進行催生。
2006/10/22 早上進行剖腹手術,母子均安。
相簿在此:2006/10/23 My baby


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  • 瞭解企業
    • 主要商業活動
      • 如何評估自己夠瞭解
    • 下屬公司
    • 持有哪些公司的股份,有哪些資產(也就是公司如何投資其他產業)
    • CEO的個人特質、經歷、決策方向、處事態度、作風
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順手再寫了 c# 的版本。
public static void cocktailSort( int[] theList )
    int bottom = 0;
    int top = theList.Length-1;
    bool swapped = true;
    while( swapped == true )
        swapped = false;
        for( int i=bottom; i<top; i++ )
            if( theList[i] > theList[i+1] )
                int tmp = theList[i+1];
                swapped = true;
        top = top-1;
        for( int i=top; i>bottom; i– )
            if( theList[i]<theList[i-1] )
                int tmp = theList[i-1];
                swapped = true;
        bottom = bottom+1;

FireFox 2.0 RC1

把公司的 FireFox 改用 2.0RC1,Extension 詳列如下:

  • 2.0 仍可使用者:
    • DOM Inspector
    • Talkback
    • Adblock Filterset.G Updater
    • CustomizeGoogle
    • IE Tab
    • Image Zoom
    • PDF Download
    • Web Developer
    • FlashGot
    • 新同文堂
    • Download Statusbar
    • Adblock Plus
    • ColorZilla
    • Google Toolbar for Firefox
    • Google Browser Sync
  • 不相容 2.x:
    • del.icio.us
    • Fasterfox
    • Hypertext DOM Browser
    • Furl Tools
    • Copy URL +
    • Greasemonkey
    • CSSViewer
    • Screen grab!
    • gmif
    • Tabbrowser Preferences

目前一切順利,不過少了一些如 del.icio.us、furl.net、Copy URL+等等的方便工具,還真是麻煩~

VFP 與 Regular Expression

VFP 本身並不支援 Regular Expression,幸好,有人非常熱心,以 C/C++ 有名的 Boost library 為基礎,製作了給 VFP 用的 Regular Expression Library。
License 基本上是遵循 boost library 的 LGPL license,所以你可以直接使用 binary code (也就是 .fll)在商業用途上。
為甚麼要 Regular Expression?因為他可以很方便地以簡單的語法表示出一段文字的規則。

*!* 驗證 email 信箱格式
lcExpression = “^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$”
*!* 驗證金額
lcExpression = “^(\$)?(([1-9]\d{0,2}(\,\d{3})*)|([1-9]\d*)|(0))(\.\d{2})?$”
?RegExp(“$1,244,311.81”,lcExpression) && Match
?RegExp(“$1,24,4311.81”,lcExpression) && No Match
*!* 驗證電話號碼
lcExpression = “^[2-9]\d{2}-\d{3}-\d{4}$”
?RegExp(“507-562-0020”,lcExpression) && Match
?RegExp(“507-56-0020”,lcExpression) && No Match
