詳情可以參考這篇:Send E-Mail from your .NET application using your GMail Account,內文提供了 .Net 1.1/2.0 的方法。
我自己用 .Net 2,試的結果,發現有這個錯誤訊息出現:”Must issue a STARTTLS command first”
Google 大神告訴我,有蠻多人詢問這個問題。
仔細研讀之後,發現是我自己忘了幫 SmtpClient 設置 EnableSsl 屬性為 true。
加上之後,又丟出 “The requested feature is not implemented.”。
用Reflector反組譯出來看之後,果然…真的還沒實做 SSL 傳輸的部份。
希望下一版會加進去…這樣就可以在 Linux 下使用了。
打 MailSharp -h 可以得到使用說明。
/** * MailSharp * * Reference: * Send E-Mail from your .NET application using your GMail Account - The Code Project - C# Programming <http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/SendMailUsingGmailAccount.asp> */ using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Net.Mime; using System.Threading; using System.ComponentModel; namespace MailSharp { public class MailSharpConsole { public static string showUsage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine( "Usage: MailSharp [options] ToAddress" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-a File to attach." ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-f From address" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-b Body message" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-s Subject"); sb.AppendLine( "\t-S SMTP server host" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-U Username for SMTP server authentication" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-p Password for SMTP server authentication" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-l Use SSL" ); sb.AppendLine( "\t-h Help/Usage"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine( "Example:" ); sb.AppendLine( "\tFor GMail" ); sb.AppendLine( "\tMailSharp -f your_name@gmail.com -b Test -s Test -S smtp.gmail.com -P 587 -l -U your_gmail -p your_gmail_password someone@somewhere.com" ); return sb.ToString(); } public static void Main(string[] args) { MailAddress from = null; MailAddress to = null; MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); NetworkCredential myCred = new NetworkCredential(); bool bShowUsage=false; try { if ( args.Length > 0 ) { for ( int i=0; i<args.Length; i++ ) { switch ( args[i] ) { case "-S": // server host i++; if ( i<args.Length ) { client.Host = args[i]; } else throw new Exception( "-S was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-P": // server port i++; if ( i<args.Length ) { client.Port=Convert.ToInt32( args[i] ); } else throw new Exception( "-P was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-T": // timeout i++; if ( i<args.Length ) { client.Timeout = Convert.ToInt32( args[i] ); } else throw new Exception( "-T was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-U": // username for smtp server authentication i++; if ( i<args.Length ) myCred.UserName = args[i]; else throw new Exception( "-U was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-p": // password for smtp server authentication i++; if ( i<args.Length ) myCred.Password = args[i]; else throw new Exception( "-p was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-l": // use SSL client.EnableSsl = true; break; case "-s": // subject i++; // next one is subject. if ( i<args.Length ) { message.Subject = args[i]; message.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; } else throw new Exception( "-s was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-a": // attachment i++; // next one is attachment filename. if ( i<args.Length ) { // Add attachment. Attachment data = new Attachment( args[i], MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet); message.Attachments.Add(data); } else throw new Exception( "-a was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-b": // body message. i++; // next one is body message if ( i<args.Length ) { message.Body = args[i]; message.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; } else throw new Exception( "-b was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-f": // from address i++; if ( i<args.Length ) { // Specify the e-mail sender. // Create a mailing address that includes a UTF8 character // in the display name. // from = new MailAddress( "someone@gmail.com", "someone", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); from = new MailAddress( args[i] ); } else throw new Exception( "-f was specified, but no value." ); break; case "-h": // show help/usage bShowUsage=true; break; default: to = new MailAddress( args[i] ); break; } } } else throw new Exception("No arguments."); } catch ( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( ex.Message ); bShowUsage = true; } try { if ( bShowUsage == true ) throw new Exception( showUsage() ); if ( from==null ) throw new Exception( "Must specify from address (-f)." ); // Set destinations for the e-mail message. if ( to == null ) throw new Exception("At least, must specify to address"); if ( client.Host == string.Empty ) throw new Exception("Must specify SMTP Server (-S)." ); // Specify the message content. message.From = from; message.To.Add( to ); // Credentials are necessary if the server requires the client // to authenticate before it will send e-mail on the client's behalf. //client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = myCred; // Send. // If you need asynchronous sample, please visit the reference above. client.Send(message); Console.WriteLine("Done."); } catch ( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( "Exception was raised when sending..."); Console.WriteLine( ex.Message ); } finally { // Clean up. message.Dispose(); } } } }
如果你打算在 Linux 下服用的話,可以搭配這個 script,免去你每次前面都要打 mono 的麻煩。
#!/bin/sh exec /usr/bin/mono $MONO_OPTIONS "MailSharp.exe" "$@"