文章出處:Best practics for firebase realtime database development
- 好好的讀 SDK 文件。
- 不太需要定 schema,不表示不需要用腦,要有效率的使用,仍然需要好好的規劃。
- 支援管道要選好
- Slack: 社群導向的自助討論,不適合回報問題。
- Support Form: 主要的官方支援,The “official” support venue. Report “something is down” here. Feature requests likely to get a canned “we’ll consider it, but no promises” response.
- Google Groups: 主要是成員討論,Active involvement by the core team with the usual caveats about turnaround time in group-oriented mail systems. Best place for highly technical discussions about app internals and “weird” issues.
- StackOverflow: 疑難雜症,Slow/unpredictable response times but best place for backup reference material. If you’ve read a Q&A on StackOverflow, you know the type of question that’s best to post there, too.
- 該用兩個 reference 就用,不要想說用他們共通的父節點來存取,這樣沒有比較省。If you need to reference an object from two different places, take two refs to it.
- 不要用 array
- 沒有日期,請用 timestamp
- 請知道 firebase realtime database 能做什麼,不要用他來做他不適合做的事情。
- set 跟 update 不一樣,主要差異是在於 key 存在與否的處理。
- firebaseui 很好用。